The Bluest Note
The Bluest Note

Oil Paint, pastel, mother of pearl on Canvas

65” x 62”

Dyke Walk (El Portal)
Dyke Walk (El Portal)

Oil paint and pastel on canvas

36” x 48”

A Spiders Wisdom
A Spiders Wisdom

Oil Paint, pastel, and sown vinyl on canvas

62” x 65”

Blue Bottle Tree: The Fool and the Chariot
Blue Bottle Tree: The Fool and the Chariot

Oil paint, pastel, Swarovski crystals on canvas

72” x 65”

Ancestral Ties, Long Shadows
Ancestral Ties, Long Shadows

Oil paint, pastel on canvas


Oil paint on wood panel

20” x 16”

Unfurling (Change is the only Constant)
Unfurling (Change is the only Constant)

Oil Paint, pastel and rhinestones on canvas

Tree that Never Fruited
Tree that Never Fruited

Oil Paint on Wood Panel

20” x 16”

Peach Pit
Peach Pit

Oil paint, pastel on canvas

30” x 40”

The Hands That Hold You
The Hands That Hold You

Oil paint, pastel, and mother of pearl on canvas

30” x 40”


Oil paint, pastel, and mother of pearl on canvas

30” x 40”

Clearing the Yard (making room for new growth)
Clearing the Yard (making room for new growth)

Oil paint, pastel, and mother of pearl on canvas

30” x 40”

The Bluest Note
Dyke Walk (El Portal)
A Spiders Wisdom
Blue Bottle Tree: The Fool and the Chariot
Ancestral Ties, Long Shadows
Unfurling (Change is the only Constant)
Tree that Never Fruited
Peach Pit
The Hands That Hold You
Clearing the Yard (making room for new growth)
The Bluest Note

Oil Paint, pastel, mother of pearl on Canvas

65” x 62”

Dyke Walk (El Portal)

Oil paint and pastel on canvas

36” x 48”

A Spiders Wisdom

Oil Paint, pastel, and sown vinyl on canvas

62” x 65”

Blue Bottle Tree: The Fool and the Chariot

Oil paint, pastel, Swarovski crystals on canvas

72” x 65”

Ancestral Ties, Long Shadows

Oil paint, pastel on canvas


Oil paint on wood panel

20” x 16”

Unfurling (Change is the only Constant)

Oil Paint, pastel and rhinestones on canvas

Tree that Never Fruited

Oil Paint on Wood Panel

20” x 16”

Peach Pit

Oil paint, pastel on canvas

30” x 40”

The Hands That Hold You

Oil paint, pastel, and mother of pearl on canvas

30” x 40”


Oil paint, pastel, and mother of pearl on canvas

30” x 40”

Clearing the Yard (making room for new growth)

Oil paint, pastel, and mother of pearl on canvas

30” x 40”

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